The answer, at this point in time, is no. We continue to work with EDC and BDC and the producers and to have communications with financial institutions and the federal government. The intent of particularly the EDC and BDC programs is very positive to support workers, but the positive aspect of those programs does entail access to those programs. We are concerned that after about.... I think you indicated 41 days, which seems appropriate. It's certainly been many weeks. I know of at least 30 companies that are trying to access those programs and are as yet unable to access them.
We certainly hope that, first, access will be granted to those programs. We will lose significant jobs across this country, not just in your area or in areas where other development is occurring but also in the many jobs that rely on the energy business on a go-forward basis, if those programs cannot be accessed. It is about positive intent. It will be great to see the results.
I also hope the transparency on this is going to be important. We need to know if those programs are being accessed, given that they were put in place for workers.
Thank you.