Thank you for that, Mr. Cooper.
Of course, we do hear from customers who would have liked to see the program roll out faster than it has. We've been working very closely with the associations to try to ensure that the support was specifically needed to help the main drivers of the industry, which were the E and P companies.
It has taken some time to work out the eligibility criteria and to work out the specifics of a very complex guarantee product, as Mr. Burlock said, that's linked to reserve-based lending. We have been driven to ensure that it's available for the redetermination period.
We have been keeping in constant touch with the associations and understand the frustrations of their members, but believe we have a product now that is available at the time we need it. It is one of the products that we are providing to the oil and gas sector.
We should also mention our bonding products, which provide support for letters of credit. Those are products that EDC has always had available and that we have been continuing to issue, and in fact they are ahead of this actual guarantee going out into the market.
There's a combination of products, including our credit insurance product, and the RBL guarantee will be there to support during the redetermination period, which is when it's needed.