Thank you so much, Mr. Chair.
Thank you to our guests for being with us.
I was actually going to go down a path very similar to that of my colleague Mr. Cumming on the timing issue. When I first looked at the numbers, I would have said the same thing. It does look like a fairly limited early uptake. From your testimony, though—and frankly, from the business owners I've spoken to in my own community—it's clear that there is a real frustration with the sense that debt seems to be one of the few options available in certain circumstances.
I think you eloquently outlined the fact that perhaps business owners were going to the CERB for personal income; for fixed expenses like utilities, CEBA seemed to provide the fix; the wage subsidy for wages, and so on. I think you're right to say that business owners are availing themselves of these other, potentially more generous measures first. There is a great difference between the time of application, I take it, and the time the program was opened, because business owners need to figure this out for themselves.
I'm curious, though. What information are you relying on when you say that you project this to pick up over the summer? Do you have numbers you're looking at that you anticipate to see in terms of what would look like success?