Well, let me just say a few words about the design of this program because I think it speaks to how you manage risks.
An important feature of the design of the program is that our purchase program is designed to be relatively neutral across the provinces. The purchases are aligned to reflect both the size of the province and the historical pace of issuance of the province. That creates a reference portfolio. What we purchase won't be exactly on the reference portfolio because it depends on what's available, but it should be pretty close. The idea is that it's not targeting any one province, that it's not trying to help one province more than the other. It's really designed to ensure liquid funding markets and to ensure that provinces have access to markets and can borrow.
The other element of that program is that, like the corporate bond program that Senior Deputy Wilkins just talked about, reducing the spreads relative to the Government of Canada curve improves the transmission and effectiveness of monetary policy.