Good afternoon, honourable members of the Standing Committee on Finance. We appreciate the opportunity to talk with you.
Triodetic is a structural engineering company based outside of Ottawa in Arnprior, Ontario, where we design, engineer and manufacture. Founded over 60 years ago as a spaceframe architecture company with projects throughout the world—Ontario Place Dome, the glass wall at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, the Melbourne Arts Centre Spire—Triodetic was invited 40 years ago by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation to develop a foundation solution for permafrost soil for aboriginal housing needs.
We designed and manufactured a steel spaceframe steel foundation system called Multipoint Foundations to support buildings on unstable soils such as permafrost, flood plains and brownfields. The Multipoint Foundation system works like a floating raft slab, protecting the structural integrity of the building despite the differential settlement of the soil. Since then, we have been supporting housing and commercial projects throughout Canada, the U.S., Norway, and Russia.