I'll take that. Thank you for the question.
The VIA HFR project is an incredibly important project for the government and for Canadians in serving the most populous corridor of the country. The original business case you refer to I think caused the government of the day to look at it and ask, “Is there a way that we can do this better, more effectively and more efficiently, by bringing in private capital, and is there a way that we can achieve great results of the type proposed by VIA by doing it a slightly different way?” At least, it said, let's look at all the good ways to do this, the potential ways that make sense.
The government asked us to work with VIA in a joint project office, or the JPO, as we call it. It's a combined staff office of VIA Rail and the CIB. We did a global search for a director to lead the office. He's an independent and globally recognized rail expert. We moved him here to do this project, and he has, in no time at all, won the praise and respect of all parties involved, of the stakeholders and other participants.
The purpose of that JPO was to look at the project and the options for the project in terms of alignment. How would we build it? What are the procurement options? What are the payment options? What are the ridership options? Should we electrify it? Should we not electrify it?
All of those questions are being asked and assessed. I'm pleased to share with you today that there is tremendous progress being made. The team is working extremely hard with external world-class engineering firms and is quickly narrowing down several alignment options, route options. All of those come with different studies that are necessary. We're going to start consultations in the next month or two with all of the affected groups along the various alignments so that we can report back and take the social impact of a particular route or alignment into account.
The CIB team is working very hard in leading that finance and procurement piece to ensure reliability of costs, ensure the ridership numbers make sense and ensure that the procurement options to bring in private capital potentially are on the table and well informed. Then, of course, there's that all-important issue of journey time.
Although the mandate of the JPO is for the Quebec City-to-Toronto corridor, you talked about southwestern Ontario. Part of that analysis at this point is to not extend it to southwestern Ontario, but if the journey times from Toronto to Montreal or Toronto to Ottawa are reduced sufficiently because of all the good work, how does it widen that catchment area if you can get to Montreal from London or from Kitchener-Waterloo in an hour and a half or two hours less than would be the case prior to this? It makes a huge difference.
All of that good work is ongoing at the moment. We're making very, very good progress and we hope to have some good advice for the government by the end of the calendar year.