Yes, that is part of the analysis. Our starting point is that if it's just us as being one of two or three different layers of government that's going to subsidize something with no private capital, it's very difficult to get us all in that project. Our raison d'être to this point has been not only to facilitate the building of new green infrastructure but also to crowd in private capital while doing so.
Is that necessarily going to be the case every time? I would hate to draw a line in the sand, because somebody is always going to find an exception that makes sense for us to do. As a general rule, part of the value we would bring would be to work with those public sponsors to say, “Why do you feel that you can do this with all of this money? Can we do it a separate way if we structure it by bringing in private capital that will create room in your budget to do other things, lower your borrowing limits, etc?”
It does play into virtually every assessment we make.