The Government of Canada has already committed, through the Elysis project, jointly with the Province of Quebec, to develop a game-changer, literally. This is a new way of producing aluminum that will set us apart from a hundred years of an electrolysis process using carbon anodes. Elysis will use a different material, the result of which will be emissions of oxygen instead of GHG, so we will go from a low-carbon footprint to a no-carbon footprint. That's about 10 years down the road.
As I mentioned earlier, we have invested about $13 billion over the past 20 years in our plants in order to ramp up capacity to where we are now, and at the same time reduce our carbon footprint all the way down. We are at the threshold of emissions. We cannot produce aluminum in Canada in any of those plants without emitting what we are emitting right now, which is about 1.93 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per tonne of aluminum, while China is emitting anywhere from 17 to 21 tonnes.