Chair Easter and members of the finance committee, thank you so much for the opportunity to appear before you today.
My name is Jeff Wright. I'm vice-president of corporate strategy and business development at Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. I am pleased to have the opportunity to speak on behalf of the college's 43,000 students. My comments will be focused largely on the critical role of colleges, and in particular how Fanshawe prepares people for jobs.
Before I do that, just by way of background, Fanshawe's total impact to the southwestern Ontario region in added income is $1.7 billion annually. Students' spending impact is estimated to be $38.5 million. Fanshawe is also a comprehensive college, with a regional reach across southwestern Ontario. In the most recent 2019 key performance indicators for the public colleges in Ontario, Fanshawe ranked number one for students finding jobs after graduating.
From a recent survey, 98% of the respondents believe that access to lifelong learning is important at all ages. Recent federal investments in such programs as the Canadian training credit and employment insurance training support benefit, as well as funding for work-integrated learning through the student workplace program, are all welcome forms of support. We thank the government for those. However, the EKOS survey suggests that Canadians are still not sure they have adequate resources at their disposal to change careers. The survey results also suggest that the government can do more to promote and streamline programs that support learners of all ages.
We also encourage the government to support a national campaign to promote skilled trades as first-choice careers. While we appreciate that each province has developed its own skills trade and pre-apprentice training programs, the Government of Canada could invest in skills training to ensure that there are enough qualified workers to support energy audits, retrofits and net-zero home construction, and to create the Canadian apprentice service, including new initiatives, so that Red Seal apprentices have sufficient work experience opportunities, including the provision of up to $10,000 per apprentice over four years for every new position created.
In Ontario, Fanshawe acknowledges and supports the government's comprehensive look at apprentice training and investment in pre-apprenticeship. Fanshawe is the largest training delivery agent in Ontario and is operating in, at best, a break-even funding model. Fanshawe supports Colleges Ontario's four-year plan calling for the expansion of the number of apprentices by 40%. While the provincial government has already taken a number of steps to advance the agenda, any steps at the federal level to support these model deliveries would be very important. We agree with the Government of Canada's innovation and skills plan, which continues to play a significant role in helping Canadian businesses grow, scale up, innovate and export so they can create good-quality jobs and wealth for Canadians.
Fanshawe plays an important part in this agenda. We applaud all efforts by the government to support innovation ecosystems, particularly those based on partnership between businesses and post-secondary institutions that support job creation, technology adoption, investment and scale-up. More directly, Canada needs innovation intermediaries that support process improvement, commercialization activities, technology adoption and business planning, with spaces dedicated to experimentation, cutting-edge technology and industry-leading expertise.
Canadian colleges like Fanshawe are well positioned to support the innovation needs of Canada's small business, yet funding mechanisms currently limit the degree to which colleges are practically able to reach out to small business communities. As a result, many do not know about the services and supports available to them. Fanshawe supports the recent requests by CI Canada and Polytechnics Canada to the federal government to invest $40 million per year in Canada's network of college-based service providers to double the number of small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in innovation activity.
We also thank the government for continued investments in FedDev Ontario. It has provided funding opportunities to strengthen the ecosystem of innovation. Fanshawe has been successful in the past receiving support from this fund. In fact, the college is currently embarking on a $58-million investment to create Innovation Village, hopefully with the support of all levels of government, including the federal government through FedDev Ontario.
Innovation Village is a physical and virtual hub that brings business, industry and not-for-profit sectors to the front door of Fanshawe. It's designed to foster student experiential learning, business growth, scale-up and innovation to support wealth generation and job growth within the region. Its total annual project impact by 2030 will be $64 million, generating $137 million annually in increased economic activity. This is just one example of how the federal government and colleges can work hand in hand with industry to ensure that students are prepared to meet the needs of employers.
Finally, we'd support the government's enhancement to the youth employment and skills strategy and the Canada summer jobs program, and we support progress on eliminating interprovincial trade barriers by harmonizing rules and regulatory requirements to better facilitate the mobility of labour across Canada. Fanshawe joins other colleges across the country in developing micro credentials for short-term skills training programs. The definitions and principles are part of a national strategy being created by the college sector's regional associations as governments explore opportunities to retrain people for new careers.
The college sector is aiming to have its national strategy completed by late spring and to use the strategy to drive their discussions with provincial governments and employers about new policies for micro credentials. The federal government can play a role in supporting a consistent approach province to province, where appropriate.
Thank you again to the committee for including Fanshawe College. I'm open to any questions.