Here is my last point.
The needs are great, though. I know you've heard from others that 100,000 placements wouldn't be needed, but I can tell you that I hear from organizations in my community that are in desperate need of volunteers. That's just the few organizations that I've talked to over the past couple of weeks. London is a big city, but it's not the biggest. If I'm hearing it in London, we can be sure that other communities are faced with the same sort of concerns. I don't want to belabour the point, though. You hold that position and I might respectfully disagree with that.
The last point I want to put to you is really an important one. It's about reach. If Volunteer Canada was the organization working with the government to help find opportunities for young people and to help place young people in pure volunteer roles along the lines of what you would hope for, with no incentive but just pure volunteer roles, what would be the reach of Volunteer Canada? What would be the number of young people your organization would be in contact with?
WE, I understand, has the ability to reach out to about two and a half million young people. It also has ties to around 7,000 schools across the country. Does Volunteer Canada have that kind of reach? Is it comparable or not?