That's great.
I think that information would have been so much more relevant earlier on for our finance committee to consider, regardless of whether it was WE or another organization.
Mr. Aylward, I want to add my voice to the chorus of people who are singing the praises of our public service.
The reality of the situation is this, sir. We went from the World Health Organization declaring a global pandemic to having money in the bank accounts of 5.4 million people in a month and four days.
The reality is you can have all the politicians come up with all the great ideas they might have, but if you don't have such a dedicated public service willing to work overtime, willing to do what's necessary to deliver on that, the program would have never happened. Politicians come and go, but our public service is the backbone and their institutional knowledge helps to deliver that, so thank you. Please, I hope you share with the public service the position that I believe all committee members have on this.
Why do you think the senior public service management made the decision that outsourcing was the only option?