Mr. Morneau, we can understand that the student grant program is a good thing. We may not agree on how the program should be set up or how the money should be distributed, but we agree that probably no one in the House of Commons opposes the very idea of helping students.
However, you say that, without even a call for tenders or any form of vetting, you awarded the contract to friends of the Trudeau family—and obviously your own as well—who had offered you gifts or other payments. All of this was done without any call for tenders or anything of the sort. You will understand that this raises a number of questions. I know you apologized, and I'm not asking you to apologize again. At some point, it no longer has any effect. We understand that you apologized for it.
I come back to Mr. Poilievre's questions, which I find quite interesting.
Do you really think that by not answering questions and continuing to apologize, you're going to put out the fire and justify what was done?