We will officially reconvene the meeting.
Welcome to meeting number 43. This will be the second panel of the House Standing Committee on Finance.
We are meeting today on government spending, the WE Charity and the Canada student service grant. Today's meeting is taking place by video conference, and the proceedings will be made available via the House of Commons website.
During this session, we have the Minister of Finance and officials from the Department of Finance. I believe officials from the Department of Finance will be here following the minister's first hour. Normally, we hold ministers to usually five minutes and sometimes allow them 10. The minister has asked for a little more time, 10 or 12 minutes, for his opening statement, but is willing to stay for the normal amount of questions which would be 55 minutes.
Minister, we will begin with your opening statement and then we'll go to our series of questions.
Welcome. It's good to have you here.