Yes. Next I have a motion as well that the committee.... Originally we had limited our preliminary examination to just four meetings. Of course, we all now agree that this would be insufficient. The Prime Minister himself has asked to testify in a meeting that would be in addition to the four already being held.
I would suggest, then, that we extend our study. I propose the following motion: “That the Standing Committee on Finance continue to hold hearings until the list of witnesses committee members submit is exhausted, and that the subcommittee convene to discuss scheduling of meetings for witnesses to attend.”
This basically says that members of the committee are invited to bring forward a list, as is the normal practice, and that we'll convene a subcommittee early next week in order to schedule the proper timing.
It might be wise to have a bit of a breather so that members can absorb the testimony they're going to receive this week. There's also a commitment from the Clerk of the Privy Council to release additional documents. Committee members might want to read those documents before deciding what hearings to hold.
The purpose of this motion is simply to keep the study alive and to open the door for committee members to submit their witnesses through the clerk so that she can begin working to schedule them, and the subcommittee can convene informally, as it always does, in order to set up those hearings.
Thank you very much.