Sir, allow me to nuance, because nuance in facts matters. In the conversation that took place, the WE Charity Foundation was originally established as an idea to hold the legal liability for WE Charity.
For example, I was on the board of Scouts Canada for many years. It's a great organization. Liability became a significant issue, as I learned from my service on that board. They looked at that very issue. WE looked at that very issue. As per Ms. Douglas and other board members, we chose not to proceed, as a general statement, for WE Charity to use this vehicle. That's why it was put on a shelf. It was unused, as per the board's request.
However, when the Government of Canada asked us to assume liability during a global health pandemic for 40,000 youth and all non-profits involved, that entity was repurposed, amended in its statements and repurposed to serve this need.