Thank you so much, Mr. Chair.
Thank you to our two presenters today. Thank you for your presentation. Thank you for making yourselves available for four hours; it's highly unusual, so thank you for that.
I also want to say thank you for the tremendous positive impact that WE Charity has had on engaging youth not only across our country but around the world, and for all the amazing work WE Charity has done to reduce poverty. Thanks for all of that.
A lot of misinformation and false narratives are being floated around. I'm going to try to get to some facts, because I think Canadians who are listening need to get to those facts.
First, we're hearing a lot about a “billion-dollar” contract. It gives the impression that WE was getting a billion dollars and that this was the agreement with the government.
Indeed, can you confirm that it was actually about a $543-million contract contribution agreement with the government to deliver the Canada student service grant, with up to $43.5 million going to WE and up to $500 million going to students? Can you confirm that?