Relating it back to the motion, of course, the motion calls for three hours for the Prime Minister and two hours for the chief of staff. My question is, to what end? The Conservatives have repeated themselves ad nauseam. Yesterday they started off with their questions, but then they kept asking those same sorts of questions. Sometimes these were just mirror images.
The questions kept on coming and there wasn't any difference in them. It was as if the Conservatives had exhausted their list of questions and just wanted to keep throwing mud at the wall as they could. With due respect to Mr. Fraser, he used that quote the other day in the meeting, and I think it's apt. Throwing mud at the wall and seeing what sticks seems to be the strategy of the Conservatives, but to what end? They haven't answered that here.
The Prime Minister of the country is being the Prime Minister of Canada, dealing with the pandemic. He is good enough to come to a committee, and the Conservatives haven't explained why he needs to come here for three hours.
I'll stop there, Mr. Chair.