Okay, so there was no discussion of that.
The code of ethics governs teachers, and I'll mention BCTF. Of course, as you know, the Prime Minister was briefly a teacher.
Two sections of the code of ethics include the following. Section 2 says, “The member respects the confidential nature of information concerning students and may give it only to authorized persons or agencies directly concerned with their welfare.” Section 3 says, “A privileged relationship exists between members and students” and “The member refrains from exploiting that relationship for material...advantage.”
Of course, in the WE scheme, there was a $12,000 payment to teachers that, I think, quite clearly violates those two components of the code of ethics for British Columbia and would do so right across the country.
To what extent was due diligence performed to ensure that the scheme itself met codes of ethics for teachers across the country, who of course maintain the highest possible standards?