I'm just concerned that the reading into the record of the documents... Although I love Mr. Fraser's dulcet tones, and it's lovely to hear him read, if you look in House of Commons Procedure and Practice:
The Chair can curtail prolonged debate by limiting Members' speeches to points which have not already been made.... The freedom of debate enjoyed by Members does not extend to the repetition of arguments that have already been heard.
In the context of the legislative process, this...restriction applies to the Members' remarks only within the same stage of debate on a bill. Arguments advanced at one stage may [also] be legitimately be represented at another.
Finally, the rule against repetition has been used by Speakers in various other ways to assist the House in making efficient use of its time. Speakers have ruled against the tedious reading of letters even when they were used in support of an argument;
As I said, at the rate we're going I'm afraid Mr. Fraser is going to end up reading all 5,000 pages from the documents into the record. I wonder whether we could just go to a vote.