Thank you very much.
On behalf of the City of Yellowknife, thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to you today.
My name is Rebecca Alty, and I am the mayor of Yellowknife. In our August 2020 brief, we included five recommendations, but since then, we have added two more.
Our recommendations are the following.
First, we recommend that essential municipal services and the municipal role in recovery be protected by proactively working with provinces, territories and municipalities on successor arrangements to the safe restart agreement, which must include funding support for municipal operations through 2021.
Second, we recommend a doubling of the gas tax funding allocation for the next three years through a new investment, the municipal economic recovery fund, to rapidly deliver infrastructure stimulus funding and job growth for Canadians. Beyond restarting the Canadian economy as it recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, this funding will also address the crumbling essential infrastructure in communities.
Third, we recommend the implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s call to action 21, by providing “sustainable funding for existing and new Aboriginal healing centres to address the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual harms caused by residential schools, and to ensure that the funding of healing centres in Nunavut and the Northwest Territories is a priority.”
Fourth, we recommend a quick scaling up of the rapid housing initiative—RHI—by allocating $7 billion for no less than 24,000 additional supportive and deeply affordable housing units over the national strategy's seven remaining years. With 3,000 units committed through the existing RHI, this is a path to achieving the goal of ending chronic homelessness currently experienced by at least 27,000 Canadians. The key to success will be maintaining the RHI's efficient delivery model, including a direct allocation to cities, and supporting stick-built construction, as well as acquisition and modular housing opportunities.
Fifth, we recommend that the backlog of land claim and self-government negotiations with indigenous governments be addressed by increasing the staffing levels of federal negotiators.
Sixth, we recommend funding to implement of Canada's Arctic and northern policy framework.
Seventh, and last but not least, we recommend making the investments necessary to significantly reduce the northern infrastructure gap to address the transportation, connectivity, energy and climate-based challenges northerners face.
Our brief contains further details about our recommendations, and I will be happy to provide you with specifics after this meeting.
I would now like to address recommendations 1 and 2, which deal with support for municipal administrations, as well as recommendation 4, which covers housing.
As we all know, 2020 has been a year like no other. I would like to thank you all for your hard work and support this year. In particular, the city is incredibly grateful for financial support through the increased Reaching Home funding and safe restart funding.
This past Monday, our council passed our 2021 budget. Due to COVID and the necessary health protocols that we need to have in place, we are facing rising costs against falling revenues, and we have no ability to run deficits. Unlike the federal government, we need to pass a balanced budget while still providing core services such as clean drinking water, proper sewage and waste disposal, fire and ambulance and many more vital services in the midst of a pandemic. To do this while not causing a massive spike in taxes requires support from the federal government. The pandemic is not over, and the financial impact on municipal services will continue in 2021.
To ensure residents continue to receive vital services without causing them undue hardship, we recommend that the upcoming federal budget include funding for successor arrangements to the safe restart program, again, including support for municipal operations. We also recommend an increase in gas tax funding to communities. As the Government of Canada noted in its last budget, investing in communities can deliver good, middle-class jobs today, while setting the stage for economic, social and environmental returns for years to come. We encourage you to keep this in mind while drafting, reviewing and approving the upcoming budget.
As mentioned, we appreciate the federal government's Reaching Home funding, and our fingers are crossed that we'll also receive some rapid housing funding in Yellowknife, but this funding is not even addressing the tip of the iceberg. In Yellowknife and across the north, we have many adults, families and youth who are homeless or at risk of being homeless. Whether it's COVID, or temperatures that dip to minus 30 and below for many months of the year, housing isn't a nice thing to have: it's essential and a human right. We urge the federal government to increase its investments for both programs, and work with communities to overcome federal policy obstacles that prevent us all from reaching our desired outcome, which is ensuring all residents have a safe place to call home.
Thank you very much.