Maybe I'll just start quickly and then I'll hand it over to Chris if he wants to add anything.
I would just note that we've done some information collection from our centres and have hired more staff than we laid off. We've maintained our level of employment and have hired more people over the pandemic. Our staff retention rate has been quite high, so I think it's notable in these times that we've been hiring more people than laying people off.
I would say that overall, people are tired. The funding that we've received through the indigenous community support fund has been really helpful, but the funding is set to end March 31, 2021. We're now working with Indigenous Services to ensure that the fund can be extended so that when people show up on our doorsteps on April 1, we don't have to turn them away because the funding has run out or we have to give it back, or whatever we decide needs to be done.
In our proposals and in our submissions to this committee we've also identified a post-COVID recovery period. We think that by having predictable and sustainable enhancements to the UPIP, the program for indigenous peoples, we can be part of the build back better, but it really relies on those enhancements to the program as it is, including the community-owned infrastructure, which is part of our submission.
I think the centres are doing as well as we could expect them to. People are tired and right now just need to know that the help we've received is going to continue and that we don't have to turn people away come the new fiscal year.
I don't know, Chris, if you want to add anything on that.