I would agree. At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter what forecast you're looking at, although some are quite different from each other, depending on different stated policies. The reality is that the world is going to consume more energy. As Canadians, I know that we're committed to looking at climate change very seriously. However, the reality is that if we harm the industry, i.e., the oil and gas industry and the service sector that is embedded in that industry, we will not be able to develop into hydrogen or geothermal, have a robust petrochemical industry and also deal with our growing energy demands as a country. We have to be very pragmatic about our approach and ensure that our existing oil and gas industries are sustainable in the long term, not only to supply Canadians with these products but also internationally. We can either get it from Canada or we can get it from the Saudis or the Iranians. I think most Canadians would choose a Canadian product.