Thanks for the question.
Yes. We were definitely grateful for that top-up.
We have a lot coming up in our capital plan. It's not those sexy projects that all taxpayers love to talk about. It's our sewage lagoon, sludge removal and waste management. They're not cheap projects, so when we talk about creating a new cell that's required at our solid waste facility in 2023, that's a $4.5 million project for a city of 20,000. It's significant infrastructure that we have to keep up.
There's also our water submarine line, which ensures that we have clean drinking water. We have the Giant Mine, which is a toxic legacy that the federal government is cleaning up right now. We actually have to draw our water from farther up the lake, which isn't as close to our water treatment plant. Replacing that submarine line is a $9 million project. This is just on the heels of all these other big projects.
We're talking about $19 to $45 million a year in capital projects over the next 10 years.