I think I just answered that in regard to the five-year clause that's been put in there and that sort of thing as well. It's more to be able to make sure that people are on a level playing field. I just have to keep reiterating that. The playing field needs to be level for these people to be able to keep the type of business they've built in the same family.
Now, that isn't to say that the next generation won't take that business and do something completely different with it, or add to it or expand it, but most times they will keep it going in their own local area as well. That's one of the big benefits to this. Whether that small business is in your hometown or my hometown or a rural area or a coastal fishing village, the benefits stay in those communities. Those businesses will continue to operate on the same turf they've been on for a generation already and for generations down the road, hopefully, if this is to continue in that regard.
As I say, for the benefit that would be attained from these small businesses being put on a level playing field and having these funds.... It's not like they're all going to go and put them into a huge savings account. They're going to continue to purchase items in their communities. Those dollars will stay there. They'll stay in those local communities as well.