In terms of what we looked at with this bill, there are the safeguards that I talked about earlier in terms of the resale down the road. I think it's equitable to be able to make sure that the generation we're selling it to....
In the act, and in the bill that we've put forward as well, “qualified” shares is right in there. For individuals to be able to sell to their own families outside of those corporations, it's a choice that they've made, one that I had to make back in the seventies. The structure of a corporation was very new in those days. It was new legislation. In fact, it was legislation brought in by the present Prime Minister's father in those areas for agriculture to be corporations in those days. There were benefits to being incorporated. When you get to a certain size, that still is the case today. That's why many...just because of the tax rules that are already put in place.
This has taken a look at all of the tax rules there today that are still relevant to whether you're selling to an individual who is not a corporation and evening out the playing field for those who are. They have already made the decision to remove themselves, I guess, as an individual and put themselves into a corporation. A corporation sometimes has that annotation to it that there's a huge amount of wealth involved when actually what's being done here is just managing the tax processes and the day-to-day cash flow of these operations so that they can stay afloat.