We've looked at direct sales between family members, and most of those—there has to actually be a transaction. It's not a situation of the older generation being able to afford to fund it for their children; there has to be a transaction that takes place. There are safeguards built into this bill that would allow for those transactions to be not just deemed transactions but actual transactions, in which dollars would have to flow from one generation to the other.
As I said in my presentation, most of the families involved in these operations have built them up with their own blood, sweat and tears, I guess you could say, into successful businesses and are quite proud to be able to put them into the hands of their children through a financial transaction that will allow the parents, the older generation, to fund their retirement. As I said, they can fund their home, move homes or get into whatever they want to do in their retirement. Then it's a transition that both sides of the family are proud of.