Mr. Lee, thank you very much. I think we'll agree to disagree. First of all, we're seeing a much better labour market participation rate in Canada than in other G7 countries. Also, the rate of savings in Canada has increased to the point now where many economists—not all, to be fair—are looking at it and saying that with the pent-up demand that currently exists, once we're past the pandemic, Canada will be very well positioned because there is a high rate of savings that Canadians have been able to accumulate. That will have, obviously, a tremendous positive impact on the Canadian economy.
Let me end on something that I think we can agree on, which is the need to focus on infrastructure and to focus on it in a way that will increase Canada's competitiveness. You gave a number of examples of how in a future budget, government could prioritize things like ports, and you mentioned rail, for example. Could you expand on that? I think it's an important point.