Thank you for that view.
The economist Jim Stanford, whom you will know very well, said the following about yesterday's announcement. I'm quoting him here. He estimates that the gain will be two to four times higher than what many economists are saying as far as the lift to the GDP. What many economists are talking about is a 1.2% increase to the overall GDP. Again, he's estimating that it will be two to four times higher than that. As a result of that growth, the tax revenue coming into federal coffers will cover the $8.3 billion a year in terms of ongoing costs.
I cite this as a way to introduce my final question for you. When you hear—as we certainly will in the coming weeks—from some opposition colleagues about the costs of a national child care program, what's your response to that? What's the CLC's view on that?
The opposition will certainly say that it will be too expensive, that we can't afford it and so on.