I think we need to look at the numbers, right? Urban indigenous people, regardless of why they're in the urban settings, are the majority right now, and while we certainly would encourage and support first nations, Métis, Inuit governments and other organizations in being able to support their folks, the reality is that urban indigenous organizations like friendship centres have been doing it for decades. We're on our 50th year nationally, and some of our local friendship centres are on their 60th or almost 70th year. We've done a pretty good job of supporting and advocating for our community members, and those are first nations, Métis and Inuit, regardless of their residency or going back and forth.
We were extremely disappointed. We have a partnership with and support the Canadian Housing and Renewal Association, and their indigenous caucus has developed an excellent for-indigenous, by-indigenous urban indigenous housing strategy, and in the announcements that were made for infrastructure around housing and support for homelessness.... While some of our centres access the Reaching Home program and some of the other housing initiatives, there still is the gap for urban indigenous-owned and operated housing initiatives, and I'll just give this short example.
We have friendship centres that provide housing, and the tenants also have access to the wraparound support services that the housing provides, so it's not just a place to live. You get all of the benefits of the support services and the friendship centre.
We've had people who have lost their jobs. We've had people who have had difficulty feeding their families, and the friendship centre has been able not just to provide food and supply delivery to those tenants, but also has been very understanding and has been working with the tenants who are unable to pay their rent instead of evicting them. Even some of the subsidies that have been available.... Because of the additional support of the friendship centre, it's just a much more supportive way to get people into housing that's wraparound.