That is true, and let me just add that the reason this has become a little more of a media issue and an issue before this committee is that when we were extending our invitations to people to participate in our solutions lab, we issued some generic material to about 70 different people representing a range of groups. We went after people who were experts on monetary policy, so I had to tell them why an expert on monetary policy would come to this housing issue. We invited some people who are interested in co-ops, so we told them. We also went to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, people we knew would probably be very skeptical about some of the ideas that Mr. Kelly is skeptical about, and invited them to come and participate as well. In the process of doing so, we wanted to make clear why we'd invite a tax group to a solutions lab on housing, and they then have taken that material and mis-characterized it with the idea that we'd be focusing exclusively on taxation because that's what we emphasized in their invitation.
That is the origin of this little media brouhaha.