Okay. Maybe we'll come back to that in the last five minutes, after the officials who are here, and talk about that a little further to see where people want to go, whether or not they want to farm sections out or try to do it all themselves and set a timeline.
Would it be okay to go that way? Then we can figure out what we're doing on Thursday.
I see some heads nodding, yes. Okay.
We have the officials from the Department of Finance. I'll give you the lineup for questions first. I have Mr. Fast, Mr. Fraser, Mr. Ste-Marie, and Mr. Julian.
We have with us Andrew Marsland, senior assistant deputy minister, tax policy branch, who is here a lot of the time; Nicholas Leswick, assistant deputy minister, economic and fiscal policy branch; Leah Anderson, assistant deputy minister, financial sector policy branch; Evelyn Dancey, associate assistant deputy minister, economic development and corporate finance branch; Katharine Rechico, assistant deputy minister, international trade and finance branch; and Galen Countryman, associate assistant deputy minister, federal-provincial relations and social policy branch.
Thank you very much for attending the first hour and the work you do in this struggle with COVID.
Mr. Fast, the floor is yours.