The option is certainly open for a discussion on the side with Mr. Fraser, as well.
I think where we're at is that we've agreed that the parties will submit a reasonably extensive preliminary list of witnesses to the clerk for the week of the 17th. It would be really helpful if we could have those by noon on Thursday. That gives us a day and a half to contact witnesses for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I think we're agreed on that.
We'll have the subcommittee at the beginning of the meeting. The clerk will scour the time available to see if we can get squeeze another half-hour out of that time frame.
The one problem we haven't dealt with is whether to farm those 10 divisions out to HUMA. I think we have to decide today or we'll end up doing it all ourselves. If there is another committee meeting, that will allow more witnesses to be heard because we're not going to be able to hear them all. I counted them up and there are 10 sections that could apply to them, but we really need to make them that offer today. They can accept or refuse; it's entirely up to them. If we do it on Thursday, they won't have time to organize it.
What are your thoughts?