Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
On a practical basis, to give an example of the interpretation, under this current authority NRC is able to do R and D and production of an experimental nature. Right now, for example, our human health therapeutics research centre can do production on a 20-litre, 50-litre, 500-litre bioreactor capacity basis. Depending on the material in question, this can be up to 250,000 doses a month, for example. This is under the current authority.
With the biologics manufacturing centre, the capacity that we are building and designing is to produce with the capacity of a 500-litre bioreactor and a 2,000-litre bioreactor, and thus a total bioreactor capacity of 2,500 litres. As Stephen said, this is the equivalent of approximately 4,000 litres of production capacity a month, an equivalent of two million doses a month, with the caveat, of course, that it depends on the vaccine type and the manufacturing yield.
This is just to give you the comparative notion that this is larger-scale manufacturing. That's why we're proceeding, to ensure certainty that we can manufacture at that scale, with the biologics manufacturing centre.