Thanks very much.
The wage subsidy is actually going to be just as important this year as it was last year. In 2020 we lost, as I said, about 95% of our visitors. This year anything that's outside of Newfoundland is going to be a challenge. We are looking forward to the bubble, but we're not sure. We're anticipating probably 15% at the maximum again this year until September and the vaccine rollouts.
A lot of these businesses that didn't open last year and didn't open this year are going to be very challenged to bring their employees back on. Without that wage subsidy, they can't even figure out how to open their doors to the visitors and what the change in behaviour at the workplace is going to be. Actually, they need the investment more this year than they ever did to continue on, to welcome, hopefully, season 2022, which is looking way better.
We're in a national park and we're very blessed, because on the north of the park basically the communities are depending on the fishery and they're very challenged in doing that and in sustaining their communities. Last year you guys, the federal government, made big investments in the Internet and Internet expansion to these communities, which was huge. It was important because it became so important this year to be able to communicate and to stay in the tourism game with the different trade partners they have and tour companies they use.
I know a lot of businesses have lost out this year, with mostly cancellations for this season, but 2022 is not looking too bad. If they don't have the resources to get them to 2022, all is lost. The two-year fight will be lost for them.
As I said, we're very fortunate to be in a national park. We're fairly new in the tourism business. We've been in it for about 40 years, so we're just getting to where our next family of businesses is developing experiences in this region. We have a lot of opportunity. We have a lot of federal presence here with regard to new highways, new experiences, and a lot to show the rest of Canada, so we're hoping that Canadians will look to come and know more about other special spots in Canada.
I do think the government can't underestimate the value of keeping people in that industry in the next year, and they can't do that without your assistance.