That last part is hard to say. Of course, it depends on the vaccinations, the success of the vaccinations, whether there's a way forward and those kinds of things. I really have no way of forecasting that.
Again, I emphasize the elasticity of the programs that were set up so that—provided that there's a willingness to maintain them a little longer, if necessary—we know that they'll automatically shorten themselves if we succeed with rapid vaccinations and things get back to normal.
We can do that with confidence, knowing that it's not like we're just spending money. We're actually making something available, and people only tap into it when they don't have a job.
That was a good model. It should serve us well as it unfolds. The timing, therefore, is something else. It's beyond any of our control, but the system is designed to accommodate different timing. I think that's appropriate.
In terms of the stimulus afterward, as I said at the beginning, it's a judgment call, really, and I'm not in a position to judge that overall. If for some reason, as Mr. Fast is asking, it turns out to be a little too much, well, the signs will be there. Then it will be possible to adjust policies in different ways in an endogenous fashion.