We have a number of service providers here. Currently, we've put out requests for proposals from those service providers to come up with a partnership so that we can perhaps supply the infrastructure and they can supply the service. Of course we would prefer to be able to do business with more than one, because we are not interested in inviting a monopoly into the county or into the Edmonton metro region for that matter. It's a regional issue there as well.
I think the business case is not necessarily there, as we've mentioned, for more sparsely populated areas. For those companies that have provided service in the densely populated areas—as I said, sucking the jelly out of the centre of the doughnut—it would be nice if there were some spreading out of the business risk and the business case. It could be by having those Internet service providers that are providing service to the sweet spots in the city also having to provide a portion of service out to the smaller providers in rural areas to try to spread the risk.