I think it's critically important, and it's really important to look at the whole system, as we say, instead of having small token pieces. The token tax on aircraft singles out a tiny sliver of what we're talking about in terms of wealth, as one of the presenters here today said, and there are huge amounts of wealth in Canada that are going untaxed right now.
We could increase taxes, as I said, by $50 billion a year, and only be taxing the top 1% of wealth owners and top 10% of income earners more, and we could afford pharmacare and we could afford to eliminate student loan payments. We could implement dental care and we could train workers for the coming change in the economy. It's recently been said that we're going to be creating too many green jobs for the number of trained workers that we have, so all of these issues are of the utmost importance. We need to have the resources available to act on them.
I just want to say I agree with Mr. Balsillie that we also need those economic frameworks in place in order to act on them. We can't just be handing out money. This is not about helicoptering money to make the economy work better. We need to be very strategic and thoughtful about how we're spending this money in order to get the most benefit out of it.