I wish I had talked to our training design experts this morning, before this question.
Here's what I will say, and I can put you in touch with our training folks to get a more detailed explanation. We're seeing that there's a major transition happening in our economy. There are people who will not be returning to their jobs after the pandemic. There are people who will be transitioning to the green economy. There are people who are going to be transitioning because of new technology.
There are multiple directions that people could choose from in their career, and we need to make sure that people have a choice in what they're training for next. It can't be only an employer-driven process. It also must be people making the best choices for themselves in terms of the life they want to create.
Also, when we're thinking about people transitioning, training is one important piece of the puzzle, whether they're training for a job in the corporation they work for now or a job somewhere else if they transition out. There are lots of other things that we need to be considering when transitions happen, including mental health issues and other pieces. That all needs to be considered. Again, I can put you in touch with our training folks directly to have a deeper conversation.