It is a very good program, largely designed on some previous programs that have existed in the past to try to get small businesses hiring again. Look, we predict at the CFIB that as the economy eventually reopens—Ontario is not making that easy—businesses will need to start to hire back some of their workers, but they won't have the money to do it. It will be really, really tight for businesses that have been closed for months on end to try to find the money when sales, we imagine, will begin to trickle back, not flood back.
This incentive, we believe, could be quite profound if broadly available. If the government puts too many restrictions on it, I think it will be, unfortunately, like so many government programs, more useful in concept than in reality. The government has said that it will follow essentially the same rules as the wage subsidy so that you'll be able to access it if you've had a sales decline. That makes sense. We're not opposed to that. It shouldn't be there for businesses if their revenue hasn't had any hit. They should not be subsidized by the Government of Canada. That makes sense, but we do worry that if....
This could be a good transition to get businesses off the wage subsidy onto the hiring incentive. I think a lot of the design principles that have been put in place are the right ones. To the government's credit, they've also asked the Canada Revenue Agency to administer the program. I'll issue a rare compliment: The CRA has been, I would say, one of the best agencies in government in ramping up programs to try to get them delivered to Canadians. The subsidy programs that have been administered by other government agencies, most notably BDC, have really, really been quite poor, whereas the CRA has done a good job.