I'll stick with the Canadian Chamber. I can't remember if it was you, Mr. Gill, or Ms. Drigola who talked about the need for a reopening plan. I'm looking sincerely for your advice on this point. You described, I believe, the need to work with the provinces and territories to outline a clear plan.
Mr. Kelly, if you have advice on this point as well, I'd be happy to take it.
One of the challenges I have.... I come from Atlantic Canada, and we've benefited from, I might dare say, a better public health response than much of the country. Although my province is currently in lockdown, we're already seeing a very serious downward trend in cases. Knock on wood, I hope it continues. I don't want to find myself in a position where we get caught up in trying to establish uniform criteria that would end up delaying the reopening of businesses that could be opened potentially this summer and have customers rather than subsidies keeping them alive.
Do you have advice on how we can establish safe reopening criteria that protect the advantage of jurisdictions that are able to open because the public health situation is perhaps not as severe here as it may be in other parts of the country?