Yes, but also be careful. If you look at the TRIPS waiver, which has been in the news lately, there's a classic example of something that feels good, that feels like it's going to address a problem but I would argue that it won't. The reality is that's a really significant threat to a lot of our companies because it's essentially sending out the message that, look, if whatever you're working on becomes so valuable to the world that we all need it, we're just going to take it from you. That then becomes a disincentive to investors, so we have to be very careful about how we look at the treatment of IP. IP, at its very core, is essentially the asset. It's the mine. It's the forest. It's whatever other industry you want to use as an analogy. IP is the core of that company, so we have to really be careful of how we treat intellectual property in this country.
With tax incentives, finding different ways to commercialize.... The patent box would be good. The SR and ED tax credit is one of the best tools that we have in this country, but other countries are looking at it and going, “Hey, we can do better”. If you look at Australia, they're trying to get ahead of us. We have to keep it as competitive as possible with other jurisdictions so that they don't get ahead of us.