We really can't have a high-quality childhood education and care system across the country, and for us more specifically in the London-Middlesex area, without high-quality early childhood educators. They're the key to a successful national child care framework, and this was duly noted yesterday in the First Policy Response webinar with guest speaker the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development.
It's very important to go beyond numbers. When we consider expanding a system, we really need to look at some stories of current early childhood educators, specifically one who is an experienced early childhood educator and is now completing a degree in teachers' college. Basically, the rationale was that while her passion and her original intent was to stay in the field, considering the remuneration and the perspective of that career and because of being a single female wanting to be fiscally responsible for herself, she is at this point moving away from her chosen profession.
The second student, brand new to the profession—a recent graduate of the program—indicated a similar issue because of her health concerns. She would be entering another teachers' college so that she could continue working with children, but obviously outside of the system that desperately needs her.
Those are just two lived experiences that I'm sure reflect not only what is happening in the London area but also across our country and across the globe. It is really important, as the budget starts to look at navigating what are going to be key parameters within the budget in supporting early years, that the remuneration of early years child care professionals is recognized and acknowledged and is part of the conversation.
Again, thank you very much for letting us share our voice with you today.
Thank you for your time as well.