Those are very good questions.
To the first one, the area of research that I look at for policy is grassroots in the sense that it is being made and constructed by those who are most directly impacted. We can think of early years educators. If I had a focus group that was talking about wages, what would be the message? Basically, the message from the London-Middlesex area is very much to take a grid approach, and that conversation, I believe, can be done across the country. Again, that can be part of the key principles within a national system that reflects the needs from Newfoundland to the Northwest Territories to Vancouver, so that we have, as a country, an overview of what that grid could look like, obviously depending on each province and territory's perspective.
The other side is immigration. The issue is that as a globe we're facing the same situation in countries that have very similar ways of forming and training early childhood educators. New Zealand is in exactly the same situation. Ireland is in the same situation. For us to draw from across the globe does create issues. It means that we need to have programs here to help train if we bring—