Thank you very much.
I should put my timer on, but that's all right. Just warn me.
Ms. Pihlak, you might not know it, but many years ago when I was a young teenager, I used to work in a day care. I enjoyed it very much, but it broke my heart to see how hard it was on the kids when their moms and dads came and went. My sister also worked there. Of course, I was a young teenager, so I only worked after school and I in the summer. My sister worked there. She had papers. She worked until she got married and had a family of her own.
I'm just wondering how many.... You were mentioning that there's a high turnover. I know in my lived experience that much of the turnover was due to the women getting married and having children of their own. I wonder if you could speak about whether you've looked at that part of it.