The billion dollars set out in the budget to help the tourism sector cannot be overlooked, with $500 million being administered by the regional development agencies. We still don't know how the funding will be allocated; the details are expected to come out a bit later. The money will support tourism initiatives in every region of the country, and that's a good thing. It will be allocated on a by project project basis.
However, as I said earlier, tourism businesses are on their knees. For more than a year now, they have been running on a fraction of their normal revenues. Right now, business owners just want to stay afloat until their revenues return to normal. That is where their heads are at right now, which is why we are asking the government to extend the wage subsidy and the rent subsidy. The rent subsidy, which helps businesses cover fixed costs, has been a real lifeline. Both support programs have kept the tourism sector and tourism businesses alive.
The feedback we are getting from businesses is this: being able to pivot and develop new products and services is great, but right now, all they want is to have access to those programs so they can make it through the crisis. Once they are on the other side, they can work on offering new products and services.
Mr. Ryan, is there anything you would like to add?