I want to react to the comment you have just made, Mr. Chair.
Our timelines are impossible. The budget was brought down later than scheduled. It contains an unprecedented number of pages and deals with a whole host of topics. I don't know how many times I have read the budget implementation bill that we are studying here, yet each time I read it again, I find something new.
So no one can say that we are not sufficiently prepared. The deadlines that the government is imposing on us are so tight, even for this stage of clause-by-clause consideration. I believe that it is still a time for us to ask all questions we need to put our minds at rest. Sometimes, it takes four and five readings for me to see that there may be a catch, or something that has to be brought up.
So I encourage all my colleagues to ask all the questions they consider appropriate, even at this stage. This a very important exercise.