Thank you. I'd be happy to.
I'd point out that many of these clauses will actually touch on several different measures proposed under the bill. This is one of them. Clause 19 amends section 118 of the act, which provides calculations for a lot of personal tax credits.
In clause 19, you'll find the amendments to the basic personal amount. You'll see in subclause 19(3), for example, that the increase is an additional increase to the basic personal amount, which is the amount that each individual gets essentially tax free. The increased amount is [Technical difficulty—Editor] down for higher-income earners.
It also includes an amendment relating to spouses and who qualifies as wholly dependent. This can be relevant for the purposes of the Canada child benefit. When a child is.... Whether or not there's a shared custody parenting situation, it provides that this will be the case if the custody is between 60% and 40%.
Third, it has consequential amendments on the introduction of the new provisions for advanced life deferred annuities, or ALDAs. The main rules are provided later on in the bill, but the ALDAs would allow for these annuities to be held in certain tax-deferred plans that would provide greater flexibility for saving for retirement.