Sure. The details of this specific model would be largely prescribed in regulations, so I can't say what the exact details of this would be. FINTRAC, in undertaking its responsibilities to ensure compliance with Canada's anti-money-laundering and anti-terrorist-financing rules, undertakes certain activities. It monitors compliance, keeps records and has different obligations from reporting entities. It does a variety of outreach. There are over 20,000 different reporting entities under this piece of legislation, from very small to very large. The idea is that the different types of businesses, those reporting entities, derive a benefit from the products and services that they sell for profit, so they have a role in paying for the oversight of the risks that are brought by those products and services.
While the details of the regime would be spelled out largely in regulations, we intend to consult with the reporting entities in advance of going through the normal Canada Gazette process, to obtain their feedback on the details of the proposed model.