I think it falls to me again to lead off.
I'll talk about one initiative, which is the related party initiative. That's our focus on Canadians whose net worth is $50 million or more. We have increased the number of resources in that area, and we've also increased our ability to do analytics on offshore transfers, meaning these $10,000 back-and-forths, and mine that data. It's also to bring into our BI systems what I call a common reporting system. Again, that's worldwide banking information.
By having a dedicated team that has a standing watch on everybody whose net worth is $50 million or more, we go through transfers in and out of Canada related to those individuals, and we also look at banking information. We trace through their corporations, their sales tax accounts and their payroll accounts to kind of understand who they are. That is an example of progress.
We're just starting to reassess those taxpayers, to go back to the $12 billion-plus. They've just been billed, so it will takes years for those cases to work themselves through the courts, but I think we've had early success.