Well, I thought the thing to do was to have these documents reviewed by a panel of members in secrecy so they could choose which ones should not be made public, because making them public would cause a breach of national security. That was the purpose of it. My understanding was that the group met in private and in secret. They were sworn to secrecy and they did some of this work, but I never had the result. Parliament was dissolved before they ever announced anything from their findings, so I never heard a word. I don't know what happened. Parliament was dissolved, so the Speaker's ruling went out the window. When the new Parliament met, that was another issue. It wasn't raised, as far as I'm aware, but then I was gone and retired. It was just one of those things that happened.
Because the members were sworn to secrecy, when I would ask one of them, “What's going on? Are you having meetings on this?”, they said, “I can't tell you anything, sir. We're sworn to secrecy.” I just don't know what happened. I never did hear it.